Air Traffic Management Training
Courses we cover
Advanced Surface Movement Guidance
Air traffic management training
Delivering Air Traffic Management related training requires not only a textbook knowledge of the topics but also a real world understanding of operating within an air traffic environment.
AVISU has experience in delivering operationally focused courses in ATM technology and future concepts, and regulation and safety to businesses of all sizes and position in the aviation industry chain.
Because of our combined operational expert knowledge and experience in course delivery, our training courses are not only designed to target areas of competence that are expected from the customer, but also allow for discussion on topics that the participants feel are vital for their individual business needs.
We have courses to cover:
- Chicago Convention
- All ICAO Annexes
- ICAO Procedures for Air Navigation services and Manuals such as:
- PANS ATM doc 4444
- A-SMGCS Documents 9476 and 9830
- Safety Management doc 9859
- ADS-B Operations Manual
- European Aviation Safety Authority (EASA) Regulations
- 1035/2011, 482/2008, 373-2017, 552-2004, 1207-2011, 376-2014, 996-2010
- Mode S and ADS-B
- EUROCONTROL and EUROCAE (including RTCA) standards and specifications
- A-SMGCS (including ASDE-X)
- EUROCONTROL and EUROCAE standards and specifications

During the late 1990s and into the early years of the 21st century, joint teams from Europe and the USA, as well as other contributing states, developed a set of Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast packages.
These were separated into ground and airborne surveillance applications enabled by ADS-B and collectively called ‘Package I’. These packages were then worked on by a joint team of global operational and technical experts lead by the RTCA and EUROCAE.
AVISU has been a core member since 2004 supporting the publication of numerous ADS-B, WAM and Mode S specifications and guidance material in both the European and North American regions.
AVISU can provide training and technical/operational support on all related 1090Mhz applications including Mode S enhanced Aircraft Derived Data (ADD), ADS-B Support and WAM specifications such as the following:
AVISU has provided support to the development of many required surveillance standards such as those listed below. We can provide training to your staff on these and many more specifications and guidance documents on Air Traffic Management surveillance.
- ADS-B Out for use in Non-Radar Airspace (ADS-B NRA, ED-126 / DO-303);
- ADS-B Out for use in Radar Airspace (ADS-B RAD, ED-161 / D0-318);
- ADS-B Out for Airport Surface Surveillance (ADS-B APT, ED-163 / DO-321);
- Traffic Situation Awareness with Alerts (TSAA, ED-232 / DO-348);
- CDTI Assisted Visual Separation (CAVS, ED-233 / DO-354);
- Flight Deck Interval Management (FIM, ED-195A / DO-328A);
- Aircraft Surveillance Applications (ASA) System MOPS including several ADS-B In applications (ED-194A / DO-317A);
- Flight-deck Interval Management (FIM) MOPS (ED-236 / DO-361).
- In-Trail Procedure in oceanic airspace (ITP, ED-159 / DO-312);
- Visual Separation on Approach (VSA, ED-160 / DO-314);
- Enhanced Traffic Situation Awareness during Flight Operations (AIRB, ED-164 / DO-319);
- Enhanced Traffic Situation Awareness on the Airport Surface (SURF, ED-165 / DO-322);
- Technical specifications for a Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) surveillance system (ED-142 with ED-142A due for publication in 2019).
Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control (A-SMGCS) including ASDE-X
In 1974 ICAO began developing Airport Surface Surveillance requirements and in 1979 they published their first circular 148 on Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (SMGCS). In 1990 A-SMGCS was launched involving ICAO, EUROCONTROL, the FAA and various standards bodies which sought to enhance the SMGCS requirements to support Air Traffic Control use in all weather conditions. This included various Levels as defined by both ICAO and EUROCONTROL. In 2018 the EUROCONTROL Levels were replaced by a more functional approach to the requirements.
Since 2002 AVISU have been key members of the global team working on A-SMGCS, collaborating with experts in the industry worldwide to develop new requirements in such areas as Routing and Guidance (also known as FTG — Follow the Greens).
AVISU can provide training and operational support on the following examples of A-SMGCS specifications:
- ICAO Doc 9830 and 9476
- EUROCONTROL A-SMGCS specifications (Old Levels and 2018 functional specification) including ‘Follow the Greens’ (routing and guidance).
The following illustrates the way EUROCONTROL has organised the A-SMGCS concept in terms of integrated functions without the previous set levels.

The following illustrates the way ICAO has organised the A-SMGCS concept into four Levels — each one providing a little more functionality than the previous one.